F1 Simulators
F1 simulators are used world-wide for different marketing happenings - from sales campaigns, grand openings, product launhes to kick-offs, events och trade shows. A F1-simulator creates "hype" och starts a word-of-mouth marketing campain. Word-of-mouth marketing is the most effective marketing available according to many. You will create a unik attraction with the VRS-01 simulator at your next happening, an attraction full of excitement, energy, and happiness. Above all, you will have the opportunity to give your customers or employees and unforgettable experience.
When you rent an F1 simulator, it will include transport, setup och personell. As an option, you can choose to have your own livery on the simulator to gain maximum effect.
Simulator is equipped with an adjustable 49 inch curved screen.
(Floor area 4 x 2 meter)